I am Sarah

I hear the Lord’s promises, but I am too impatient on His timing. I’d rather take things in my own hands because I usually believe I can accomplish them much more efficiently.


I am full of doubt when I look into the face of the impossible and laugh in disbelief when my Jesus tells me to have faith.


I am Miriam

I grumble when I don’t get my way. I seek “justice” usually meaning I want to be seen and put in the spot light.


I am Esther 

My people may be threatened but my life is in danger as well! Surely there is another way. Surely my position is purely coincidental.


I am Jonah

The Lord says go in one direction and I turn to run in the opposite. As soon as I reluctantly agree, I throw a fit when I don’t get my own way.


I am a worker in the vineyard.

I expect a greater pay because after all, I WAS out here way longer than the other guy. Why should he receive the same blessing as myself?



I think I understand now. I understand how far off I am from the truth. How confused I am by the belief that I have to work to gain my acceptance- that I have to walk in fullness of faith to receive love. That I am not worth following unless I am constantly being tipped over and poured out and scrapped raw.


I don’t quite believe it yet, but I see how I am redeemed.


I am redeemed like Sarah who the Lord uses as a role model for all women (1 Peter 3:6).


I am shown mercy like Miriam who despite her mistakes was still a leader of women and a gift from God for the people of Israel (Micah 6:4).


I am given a second chance like Esther who summons up her strength and advocates for her people (Esther 4:16).




I am still used for a greater purpose like Jonah who despite his running witnessed an entire city to turn and repent to the Lord (Jonah 3).


I am that worker who received a generous blessing from the Lord when I take the time to be grateful instead of compare (Matthew 20).


Its funny how I claim to be living in grace because after all its “not by works” then do everything in my power to work my way into heaven’s gates.


I would like to learn just one thing from you: Dod you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit are you now trying to attain you goal by human effort? Have you suffered so much for nothing- if it really was for nothing? Does God give you his Spirit and work among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?

-Galatians 3:3-5


I’m not sure where to go from here. All I know is, I need a perspective change. I need to start redefining what it looks like to BE and lead from who I AM.


I AM HIS. That’s a good place to start.