Never thought I would say this… 

I'M HOME!!!!!!!


I woke up in my ridiculously comfy bed, took a ridiculously hot shower and walked up stairs to make whatever I wanted for breakfast and drank ridiculously good coffee. 


It happened. The end actually happened. 


Exactly 3 days ago I was leaving Riga in anticipation of a very long travel day. 


Today I am sitting in a coffee shop enjoying a much anticipated almond latte after driving for the first time in 11 months (only casualty being the unfortunate squirrel who couldn't decide which side of the road to be on). Everything is surprisingly…. normal. 


I am not sure what I expected being home. I think I expected to cry a lot, not remember how to drive and eat so much American food that it made me sick. Instead it was as if yesterday morning I woke up from some dream world, and jumped into normal life.  


All my belongings have officially erupted in my room. There has been a mini explosion in which I think subconsciously I wanted to cover every square inch of my room with SOMETHING. Why? because I can. The odd thing is that in the midst of the chaos, everything is quite separate. My race clothes are neatly washed, dried and folded in one corner. Where I thought I would never want to look at them, I debate wearing them because that's what I am comfortable with. I can't handle the new options- and the ones I gravitate towards all have holes. 


My thoughts are a mess. Quite like the state of my clothes actually. There is so much I love about being here- being around family and friends, but so much of me longs to be back with the old. I have books and journals to go through, pictures to sort over the last year, but I have hesitated opening one. 


Some seasons come and go with out us realizing it. Others there is a very distinct end and beginning. So here I am. Starting out in the new, not knowing what to expect and prying my fingers off the old. Where I don't know where to even begin summing up the last year of my life, I will start with thankfulness. 


I am thankful for every moment. Every squad mate, every bus ride, every seemingly insignificant moment, every overwhelming afternoon. 

I am thankful for each supporter/ prayer warrior/ blog follower who kept up with me this year and decided that they wanted to invest in me. 

I am thankful for my beautiful family who do not bat an eyelash when I inform them of the next crazy adventure. 

I am thankful for every conversation, every email, and every time the Lord has carried me when I thought I couldn't make it anymore. 

I am thankful for my God's faithfulness.  For keeping my feet from slipping and lifting up my head when my eyes became focused too much on my feet. 


So as this journey comes to a close and a new one begins… thank you. Thank you for the love and the prayers sent my way! You are appreciated and I could not have been here with out you. 



Praise our God, O peoples,

let the sound of his praise be heard;

he has preserved our lives

and kept our feet from slipping.

For you, O God, tested us;

you refined us like silver.

You brought us into prison

and laid bur ends on our backs.

You let men ride over our heads;

we went through fire and water,

but you brought us to a place of abundance.

-Psalm 66:8-12