Over the past eight months I have adapted to a life of constant change and transition. After finally getting settled in one place, it is time to pack up and move again. We got comfortable in Dublin with our friend Rocheanne, and then we had to leave for Moldova. We had a great thing going with Benkadi, and then our team lost Katie and gained Drea. 

Constant change. Constant transition. It can be a little exhausting. However, this is the life God has called me to. I am thankful that God is continually taking me to new places and bringing me to new depths in my relationship with Him. Each day is different: offering new challenges and new things to be discovered. Life will always be constant transition.

Last week we landed in Thailand for the last leg of our race. With only three more months until getting home we now are adapting to a whole new culture. The people here are smaller, the roads are smoother, and instead of mosques there are Buddhist temples lining the streets.

For the next month, God has given me a brand new team with four wonderful girls. On Monday we will be traveling to Northern Thailand for ministry with hill tribes.

Here are my new teammates: