When I signed up for this trip, I imagined ministry looking
a lot different. I expected to be talking to the homeless, holding orphans, or
building churches. I thought being a missionary meant “doing” things, having a
tangible product to show my supporters at the end of the day. However, God does
not work in the ways I expect Him to, thankfully.

Over the past three months, my team and I have been planting
a lot of seeds. We have been working behind the scenes, preparing ministries
for future people to come and work. We are not reapers, we are sowers, and
while this was not what I expected, I am so thankful to learn the ministry of
planting seeds.

Back in my “real” life, I was your classic Martha.  I was the sister who was in the kitchen doing
work, while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:38-42). My life consisted of
filling my time with things to “do” for Jesus, and a little time sitting at His
feet. In my real life, a month, especially three, with no defined “ministry”
would drive me crazy. However, this has not been the case. God has really shown
me what it is to be a Mary, to be a sower, not a reaper.

What a blessing it is to be planting seeds and building
relationships for future racers and missionaries. In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus
tells His disciples to pray for workers to come and work in His field. This
month I have learned so many places in God’s field that need workers, and I
have been so blessed to start planting seeds. So many times the life of a sower
is disregarded. Few people want to plant seeds when they see the harvest they
can reap, but without the seeds there is no fruit, no harvest. I am so thankful
that God is teaching me how to be still and be a sower.
 Please pray for Dane, the pastor of a Baptist church in
Belgrade. He is seeking church partnerships and missionaries to help him grow
his church, complete renovations that have already started, and aid the
kindergarten program the church provides the community. 

Here is a class we went to help teach English in. Just
another opportunity to be involved in the Belgrade community!