Tomorrow my team and I are off on yet another adventure. We leave Brasov to board yet another overnight train to Serbia! This month is a pioneering month for the World Race. We are going somewhere they have never been before to learn the culture, find the places where God is at work, and discover ways that the World Race can help. While normally I would be really apprehensive about the lack of structure and direction, I am so excited to be a part of discovering more people that need the love of Christ. 

Since World War II, Serbia has fought to gain its own identity as a nation, finally gaining independence in 2006. They are now in the process of trying to build up their economy and become noticed by the world. I am so humbled that God is choosing me to bring His love and grace to a people fighting to be noticed. He is choosing to use me to show them that there is someone more important than the world that already knows them, and wants to love them, what a privilege.
This next month is going to take a lot of faith, but I am ready. With so many unknowns, and such a lack of resources about where we will end up, my team and I are going to have to fully rely on God to lead us, but I am ready. I can’t wait to see how God shows up!