They wouldnt tell us the name of the island we were going to. We knew we were going to be the first missionary team ever to be on this remote island but besides that it was top secret. 

With our boat over loaded and all 25 of us hanging off the edges of our large canoe shaped boat  we stared wide eyes at the islands

of all shapes and sizes all around us..

With thick jungle covering the islands and pure white beaches reaching around them, every one we passed we hoped was the one we would be calling home.. Most of the islands had fishermen hard at work bringing in their nets and pulling in their boats..

Along the beaches were houses, little wooden shacks on stilts with fishing boats pulled up beside each one…

The water was so clear you could see the schools of fish chasing the boat.  And the water was so warm and beautiful you almost hoped the boat would tip and you might fall in just to have an excuse to play in it..

When we finally seen our island we rejoiced! 

On the left side the island we seen flat sandy beaches with palm trees and it turned into thick jungles and steep cliffs on the right. 

The little huts on stilts lined the beach and the many boats littered the shore..

It started to rain as we docked our boat..  We welcomed it and enjoyed the moment..

The next 2 days were full of ministry.. We prayed and met the people, helping here and there and bringing the love of Christ to these islanders.. They loved us as much as we loved them.. Many seeds were planted..

The 3rd day we had off and got to have fun.. I chose to spend time alone and worship the Lord while i walked around the island taking in the beauty..

As we left it started to rain again.. With our arms streched out enbracing Gods down pour of grace we knew it was a perfect ending to our secret island story..

We pray God continues to bless the people of that little island, and that the seeds we planted will grow into fruitful trees in the years to come..