Nkosi Sikelele Afrika!!!

(God bless Africa!!!)

Dear Friends

We have been in South Africa now for almost a month and the African Air is doing us all GOOD!  God has worked in schools and unexpected places and we continue to feel very fortunate to be in service of the King of Kings.

After the time we spent at Alabanza, outside Pretoria, we RACED down to Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape.
  And… The Lime Team came in first!
  We hired a care and although the road was long, Kimmy kept us enterained with her FUNNY mask and other items that will remain a Lime Team Secret!
  When we arrived at the “ pierre” in Port Elizabeth, ALL the family members were waiting for us with open arms!
  It was SUCH an amazing moment to be back with loved ones and our hearts are FULL of thankfulness that God kept us all safe during this year!


We all spent that weekend in Jeffreys Bay resting and preparing for the next week of ministry.
  All of the World Race teams spent the next week presenting the Beat The Drum Curriculum in schools in the Uitenhage area.
  Our team went to Mc Arthy Secondary School and most of us were also living with “guest parents” from the community.
  God did amazing things in the classes and our time with the kids just never seemed enough.
  Kimmy had an especially blessed time with the family she lived with, and felt led to remain in this comminity while the rest of our team departed elsewhere.


Lana, Jacques and Stefan, joined by
  Clara, Estee, Anthony, Lloyd and Jessica S. first visited a primary school in Port Elizabeth with a 1000 kids and shared stories of what God had done this year.
  We were all moved tremendously by the voices of these little ones as they sang together to the glory of God!
  What a privilege to live in a country where the Gospel can be shared FREELY in schools!


Afther this wonderful blessing with the children, we left for Adelaide, the small town where Stefan and Lana grew up in.
  We spent the week living with their parents and helping out at the local Bible School.
  We layed carpets, hanged curtains, sorted books and spent time in fellowship with the students.
  We also had the privilege of visiting two schools in the community and MANY youngsters made a decision to follow Jesus Christ!!!
  Glory to God!


We will all be rejoined tomorrow, as we head to Umtata, in the old Transkei area, where we will continue with the Beat The Drum Curriculum.
  Time is quickly running out and we all want to make the most of EVERY second of the rest of The World Race 2006.


We sincerely want to thank all our prayer supporters for your faithful prayers!
  Please continue to carry us in prayer, especially since the time for “re-entry” is drawing near.
  Pray that God will continue His special work in our lives and that The World Race will be a way of living that will continue for the rest of our lives!


May the Lord bless and Keep you all!