Her eyes… 

    said it all, “Authentic and longing for authenticity.” 
    In-between a caramel and chocolate covered sparkle. Transparent. Kind. Rich. Deep. They screamed, “Open. More. Truth.”  Anna’s eyes communicated more intensely than anything else.  Outside of any other body language or words they shouted, “Please, I’m longing for more.  Tell me all you know.  I’m seeking truth and authenticity.”
    Today at the bus stop I spoke with Anna, a beautiful young Muslim woman, waiting for bus 316 to return home.  As I approached the red bench that she sat at we struck up a conversation.  I soon learned that she wasn’t too much younger than I, working part-time while attending school at a university.  Not at all proud to reveal this, but true…The reality of never having interacted with a Muslim as much as her soon led me to discover that behind Anna’s external was a typical 20 something year old woman, like me.  Though her haijab (headscarf covering her entire head minus her face) may seem rather uninviting for some, causing us to avoid or speculate about who she truly is, her eyes taught me to trust her.  Outside of her religious dress was a woman like many other ladies her age, removing many of my former stereotypes and assumptions.
    Anna’s eyes said, “I desire fullness of life, beauty, relationship, love, and purpose.” 
    Exchanging each of our beliefs about who is true, God or Allah, Jesus or Mohammed, and the Bible or the Koran, I saw a hunger mounting in Anna.  A supernatural touch from her Creator.  A kiss from the love of her Savior, who she is yet to know but soon to experience.  Behind Anna’s eyes today was a reality that she discovered deep inside to be true, but is yet to claim for herself.  I saw her being left at a crossroads.
    Though she didn’t make a decision today she did want me to pray that Jesus would make himself known to her and show her that He is true above everything else she has known her entire life.  Opening my eyes…after praying, after seeing her how He sees her, after seeing her for who she truly is…
    Behind Anna’s eyes…

                       were tears.
    Please pray with me that Jesus would also open Anna’s eyes & meet with her, revealing truth and speaking to her where she’s at, whether through dreams, visions, the Bible, or her Christian friends who are currently in her life.
**Anna was a false name given to protect this woman’s identity**