“Beauty from Ashes”
 “I told my story”
Isaiah 61:3
February 20-22, 2009
Manzini, Swaziland


    God has been speaking to Seth Barnes, the founder of A.I.M., for sometime about the women of Swaziland being the hope for this nation.  In a culture where there is so much brokenness (a large population of orphans and widows) and many people hiding behind taboo topics such as AIDs, shame masks this country.  So, the overwhelming question that’s seems to haunt not just our team this month, but every person that visits Swazi is “What can be done?”

    As God continued to speak to Seth, the vision for a “Storybook weekend” unfolded where women could have a safe place to be authentic and vulnerable through sharing their stories, with no veil of shame. It would be through this type of change that many of them would find freedom and healing, therefore empowering their nation to do the same.  Though we don’t have God’s power to save an entire country from AIDs, or prevent beautiful children and women from being orphaned or widowed we do have the power to love.  
    Through fostering this type of environment God will… “provide for those who grieve in ‘Swaziland’-to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of despair. They will be called mighty oaks, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.” Isaiah 61:3

    On the more practical side of things, this is a 3-day women’s retreat with 40 women total (32 Swazi women & 8 Racers as staff).  In order to make this as successful as we’ve planned, we can’t do this alone.  We need your help through prayer & finances.  Below is the financial breakdown necessary to accomplish these purposes. 
Please join us in touching the lives of women here in Swaziland!!!
Click here to give to help the women of Swaziland.
Please write “World Race Ministry – Swazi Women” in
the space provided in order to make sure your gift is designated to
this ministry.
   $1,000.00 US Dollars – All supplies for activities, decorations, gifts, etc. (including “I told my story” Nametags & T- shirts) &            

    $1,192.00 US Dollars – Venue & All Meals

    $2,292.00 Total US Dollars
PLEASE PRAY: For breakthrough in these women’s lives through:
      *vulnerability in sharing stories of tears & pain
      *freedom from shame & masks
      *healing through encountering God’s love & grace
      *God’s true beauty to come from their ashes (not just for a weekend but throughout their entire life)
      *That these women would empower their nation in hope, freedom, and healing!