As I look back on the past month, I see many new faces of friends I have met.  I also imagine the faces of the first missionaries that explored the lands of Turkey, Cyprus and Egypt.  The Apostle Paul, for example, was an inspiration to so many people.  Everywhere he went, people’s lives were changed.  I can only pray that I have been somewhat of an inspiration or example to the
people I have met.  My prayer is to be bolder and to be a better example of the LOVE of Christ. 



I continue to feel so privileged to have the opportunity to be on a journey around the world.  In the past month, we have seen three of the seven churches of Revelation ( Smyrna, Pergamum, and Ephesus).  I have read the book of Corinthians while sitting in Ancient Korinth where Paul preached.  I went to a church in Egypt where the Holy Family lived for 6 months…the place where Jesus stayed the longest outside of Jerusalem.  I had the opportunity to teach English to an amazing group of Christians in the middle of Egypt.  This trip never ceases to blow my mind!

Although our time in Qussia was short, I feel that it was definitely in the will of God for each of us to be there.  We were not only ministering, we were being ministered to. 

I no longer have a comfort zone. (he he)  One minute we were teaching English and the next we were sharing deep thoughts on Revelation and Freedom.  We participated in a VARIETY of ministry. 

We had the opportunity to sit with the Bishop and learn about so much, from Politics to rejection.  When the Bishop spoke, I felt like he was speaking directly to me.  So much of what he said…is what I needed to hear.  He explained to us that we can never give too much of ourselves because we are filled with the LOVE of God.  He explained this by having two glasses and a pitcher of water.  He gently put the first glass in the pitcher.  It just floated.  That glass was an example of life without Christ.  You could not give or receive without feeling empty.  The next glass he put in sunk to the bottom.  He poured water from the pitcher (the glass was still at the bottom) into the empty glass.  The empty glass was being filled (and was able to give back) but the glass in the pitcher was never empty, it was always full.  Even when the first glass was empty and couldn’t give anything, the glass (with the Love of Christ) could pour into it.  That is the challenge for now and forever.  I never want to feel or act empty.  I want to give my ALL to my ministry here (wherever that may be) and to all the people of this world.  I have the love of Christ and should be pouring much more than I am into others.  It is a challenge for you also.  Don’t give up if someone is not pouring into you.  Feel blessed that you have so much to give and keep on giving.  God will never let you become EMPTY!

We have hit the LESS than 3 month mark.  I am heading off to Tanzania with the South Africans.  I am really looking forward to seeing what Africa is like.  We will be living/ministering at a bible school on the foothills of Kilimanjaro.  WE most likely will not have internet access so please be patient with updates. 

Prayer Requests:

Please pray for our health and safety…we are traveling to a very malarial area.  Unfortunately my malaria meds make me very sensitive to sunlight and nauseous.  I am taking them though; rather have a small stomach ache than malaria!!!!

Please pray for my Dad.  He recently had surgery and is recovering…just in a little bit of pain. 

Please pray for my new cousins
Kerragyn and Giavanna (they are twin little girls who were just born a few days ago to my cousin Matt and his wife Becca).  They are currently undergoing surgery and are both in the NICU.

Please keep my parents, brothers, and everyone else who lives in Florida in your prayers.  Hurricane season is in full force!! 

The last prayer request is for the financial status of the World Race group as a WHOLE.  Although, most of us have raised our support, we are still short the money needed to finish the race around the world.  This World Race ministry team would not be the same or as effective if we lost one person.  We are all in this together!!  Please pray for support and if you feel led to contribute it would be a huge blessing!

Thank you for your prayers and support.  Love, Kimberly