“Being adaptable so the Lord can work miracles.”

This morning we were given a challenge… to sum up our month of ministry in only one sentence. I have to admit that it was not the last bit easy. To take one of the best months that we have had this entire year and sum it up in only one short sentence was almost impossible.

“Being adaptable”…

If we have learned anything through the 10 months that we have been on the trip, it has been that time is not something that is ever concrete (except maybe in America) and that the key word is flexibility… flexibility… flexibility.

Whether we were going door to door ministering with people, having open air crusades, visiting schools and orphanages, ministering to the children in the slums, learning dramas, or spending time with our amazing Canadian friends… the Lord used all these things for His glory. We were able to adapt, change, and let the Holy Spirit lead in the direction that He wanted and in the end we saw the miracles.

“… so the Lord can work His miracles.”

I have to say that this month was definitely the month of miracles for us. Throughout this entire year, we have never entered into a place that was so hungry, so ready to accept the gospel as the people in Kibera are… and that is a miracle in itself. We had over 50 people accept Christ as their personal savior. We had some men from the massai tribe come up and had us pray over them to receive Christ. We prayed over many men and women that said they felt like they were living in chains and after we prayed, they felt freedom. And… we prayed for healing and the Lord’s blessing of finances for many that later gave testimonies of what the Lord did. He is so faithful.

The Lord didn’t start with those miracles the first miracle started the minute we stepped off of the plane onto Kenya ground… when we got off the plane in Nairobi; we were greeted by 3 Canadians. I remember thinking to myself that day, how close can I get to these people? This has been a year of people coming in and out of our lives. In that the Lord answered me and said “trust me, I only have good things for you.” That is exactly what we did… we opened up our hearts, we opened up our lives to Lillian, Shelley, and Mark and in return they left a mark that will never go away. They were such an answer to many many prayers. Whether they were giving us clothes because we didn’t have any when we first arrived, teaching us new dramas, having girls nights, watching Friends, praying and having bible study with us, showing us the way to Nackumat the Internet and Java House, sending text messages to say they cared, loving our southerners sayings “cut it on” “fixin to” and “ya’ll”, asking “how is your heart” or just playing farkel while eating avocado dip, popcorn, chocolate, and ice cream. They were amazing and we thank the Lord for them everyday.

The Lord knew exactly what we needed; He heard our cries and gave that to us, in the slums of Kibera in more ways that one. We continue to look for His faithful as we go on with the race. Though it is drawing so close to the end, it’s not over yet. We still anticipate more miracles that the Lord will give us, as we stay faithful to Him.