from www.theworldrace.org

I‘d felt intense all day, and it culminated especially as I stepped out of the taxi and laid eyes once more on the chaos of the downtown scene. The lights, the pounding music, the men, the women, the beer, the smell…

“Once I get into intense mode, it takes the Jaws of Life to pry me out. I wanted to just get in there. I walked fast, fiercely praying through the downtown streets, blessing little kids and speaking limbs into cripples…”

World Racers embrace the love of God in such a way that they want to go unleash it on the world around them.  Kim Daniels is one of those people.  While in Bangkok, Thailand ministering to the prostitutes in bars, she saw another opportunity to infect somebody with Truth.

“As we sat inside, drinking our waters, a random man came in and sat down. After about three minutes of trying to hit on me, he realized that getting hit on was not what I was in this bar for and started to ask some different questions and listen to mine. We talked for about an hour.
“His was a classic story: He’d come with his two friends from Australia to Thailand to ‘do what the Thai people do’ after his three-year relationship with his girlfriend had ended… he asked why I was in Bangkok and I said, ‘Those girls up there,’ motioning with my head and turning my eyes to the girls on the poles. He followed my gaze and looked back at me.

“‘Those girls are somebody’s sister, somebody’s mom, somebody’s daughter. No matter how they ended up here, none of them are too far gone. Basically, I want them to know that they CAN get out. And if they won’t yet, I at least want to tell them that their intrinsic value has nothing to do with their outward beauty or how much men will pay to sleep with them. Most of these women have never ever heard that in their life.’

“His eyes were glued on me. He said, ‘What are you really doing here?'”

God has a heart for those enslaved to darkness, for those that are imprisoned to something that they feel they have no way out of, but he uses willing and obedient followers to go to some of the most obscure places in the world to unleash freedom.

Is God calling something out of you?  Do you have a heart for prostitutes in bondage to something they can’t get out of on their own?  Do you have a heart for orphans and widows in distress?  Is there a chance The World Race is for you?  

“That’s part of my dream for Thailand. It’s not just for the bar girls, it’s for the men here, too. That they would travel halfway around the world thinking that they’ll dive deep into pleasure and ignore the pain that drives them here… but instead of meeting girls for sex in the bars, they meet God. Because God’s Kingdom invaded the bars incognito, and they didn’t even see it coming. And in the very place that they thought they’d play Jonah to keep running from Him, they crash into Him.”

To read more of Kim’s story, click here.