
****This blog was written about 3 weeks ago… and so begins this series, as I fill you in on the last month of our ministry in Nauta and Iquitos…

Our time in Chincha, Peru came to an end in the middle of February, after 5 weeks of ministry to the people who lost so much in the aftermath of the August 2007 earthquake. We said our goodbyes, and closed this chapter with our kids by throwing a “water carnival”, complete with water balloons and games. I held Axel and Carmencita on my lap, thinking surreal thoughts that this may very well be the last time I ever see them again… until we hang out in heaven someday… which made me tear up a bit as I was praying in English for protection and passion over their hearts, minds, and lives. Axel stuck his little face in mine, traced the track of my tear with his finger and asked why there was ‘agua’ falling down my cheek.

It was hard to say goodbye, but it was time. We had the opportunity to plant seeds in Chincha and, as extensions of Jesus Christ Himself, brought life into oppressed places. I learned that everywhere we go, darkness is dispelled because of Who is in us. And the Kingdom of God is anywhere that His rule and reign is being expanded… praise Him alone, our World Race 2008 team saw God do some miraculous things. (Link to Matt S, Robby, Carloine, Andi)

So on Monday morning we loaded up a bus and headed to our debrief site in the mountains… our coaches Michael and Kathi Hindes met us there to process through the last month in Chincha and help to prepare us for the next 4 weeks of minisitry…..

Which looks like this:

We are currently in the Amazon Jungle, and will be living on a barge for the next two weeks, doing work in the city of Nauta, Peru. After that, we’ll come to Iquitos, Peru for two more weeks.

In Nauta, we are establishing relationships with the people, visiting homes, working with children during the day, and having evening worship services. Eventually, a team from AIM will be planting a church with the people we are spending the next two weeks with, so our time with them is precious and purposeful.

As a squad of 27, we have pooled our gifts together to create a “Festival Con Dios” for the kids. America may better know it as VBS. We officially started yesterday, dividing our 120 plus kids into four groups and rotating them around to different stations.

Actually, that was the PLAN… but that was not really what happened. About halfway through, the rain of the Amazon poured down on us. I mean, it POURED. So, seeing as how ¾ of the groups were already outside soaking wet, the first day of “Festival Con Dios” was spent playing, dancing, and downright frolicking in the rain. The kids loved it, and so did all of us.

We’re here in Nauta for 8 more days, and we know that the Lord intends freedom and truth among the kids. Ouija boards are a common game played here, and 15 out of every 20 girls between the ages of 10 and 20 have gotten into it. Kids as young as 10 years old have committed suicide, and, others have admitted to hearing voices in their heads to cut out their mother’s heart and give it to satan. They have no idea that they are making covenants with the devil, or the seriousness of what they are stepping into. A few months back, some of the teenage boys from the church we’re partnering with had demons cast out of them… by some of the other teenage boys involved in the church.

Our desire is to not just be another band of gringos to pass through this place. We want to empower the people here to be ministers, so that they can then go out and carry on the work of the gospel. It seems to me that this is a vital part of what we’ll be doing on the World Race as a whole. We don’t have longer than 4 weeks in any given area, sometimes less. If we can disciple men and women here to be leaders, then we’ve done more than just put on a fun time of games and songs every day. We’ve helped raise up disciples who follow Christ, who will then in turn raise up disciples… and the chain continues.

Please pray for boldness for spiritual insight for our team while we’re here. Our time is short, but there are no limitations on what God can do.
