Good news: The island of Ko Samet has been flagged and claimed.
Great news: Yesterday, one of the July 08 Racers found a random wooden cross face down near the rocks, and God told him to pick it up and put it back in the sand, because He wasn’t done with this island.
Grand news: After a week of listening intently to our teaching sessions with Michael and Kathy and talking with our teams, one of the waiters, named Woeaman, came to Matt last night with a Bible in hand and a stoked look on his face and said, “I have to be reading you something!”. He began reading passages to him out loud in broken English… somehow knowing that it was the God of the Bible that we were on this island for, not Buddah or any of the other gods. Matt told him, “Woeaman, practice your English with this Book. I promise you, it will improve.”
Better news: Yesterday, two of the July 08 Racers led two of the Thai women to Christ. The women work in the massage salon, and when the Racers held their hands, they said they felt deep joy and peace, and wanted to know why. Now, they have the Thai/English Bibles, as well as our prayers that their idols and icons will loose all meaning, and that they’ll share Who they now know with the entire island.
Best news: This is only the beginning. And God did it within 3 days of His kids asking for Ko Samet for their inheritance.
“Ask of me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession…
What do you want?
Name it:
Nations as a present? Continents as a prize?…
Ask me for the nations, and every nation on earth will belong to you.”
~Psalm 2:8 (NIV, MES, CEV)