
I’m too complicated.

And its not just because I’m a woman.

I have nothing profound or deep or intellectual to say right now, or ever for that matter.

But its on nights like these when I feel pretty much totally emptied of energy and am digging just to find a healthy perspective, that I have to quit. Quit squirming, quiet down, and BE.

Its the “Be still and know that I Am God….” verse in my head again. (He has to tell me that a lotttttt…..)

I am broken, and yet somehow completely whole. And that Love did that to me. I didn’t do anything but try to mess it up but NOT being still.

I just have this picture in my head of Jesus holding me, Kimi the little squirmy lamb… and He’s trying to whisper nice Shepherdy things in my ears and I’m just squirming around trying to fling myself onto the pasture.


Why would I want to do anything but be still and rest in His big Shepherd arms? Do I seriously think there’s more peace and love and LIFE even roaming around Him? Sheep are dumb. I don’t want to be in the general vicinity of Him. I want to be nuzzling up on His face, sleeping in His arms, being carried on His shoulders…

“Be still, little lamb. Know that I am your Shepherd. Know it in the core of your being. QUIT SQUIRMING and REST.”
