I just wanted to post my general schedule for the next couple days:

Today (Tuesday) I’m enjoying my last day at home and finishing up packing. Tonight I will meet with my awesome prayer girls for one last time of prayer together.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) my first flight leaves Santa Barbara at 6am. yikes! I have a really short layover in Dallas so please pray that I make it an my luggage makes it. I flying two different airlines tomorrow as well, so that complicates things.

I should arrive in Atlanta tomorrow around 3ish. The tentative plan is for me to actually get a hotel room near the airport for the night. The rest of the team doesn’t fly in until Thursday so that’s when I will have transportation out to Gainesville. I’m thinking this is probably best anyway, especially if my luggage doesn’t make it. I’m actually looking forward to a night in a hotel, bed, shower for the last time! 😀 It’ll be a good opportunity to just fast and meet with the Lord.

Thursday late morning I will take the hotel shuttle back to the airport after check-out and hang out at the airport with all my teammates as they slowly arrive before we’ll head out to AIM headquarters in Gainesville.

Please pray:

For continued excitement (I’ve gotten a little more excited talking to a teammate the last couple days, but I still just feel apathetic/apprehensive).

For closure/reconciliation here with relationships and friendships. And for a sweet time of prayer tonight!

For worry free travel (the good news is that I’m not flying United tomorrow, which greatly increases my chances of everything going right!!!)

For my family as we say goodbye!