I’ve been really struggling with juggling the present: my friendships, relationships, thesis, school work, ministry with Crusade; and the future: raising support, keeping up with my WR teammates, being in prayer for the year ahead, all the preparation and reading required for next year.

I’ve realized that if I get to thinking too much about the future and the WR then I lack motivation to work on my thesis and stay active in my ministry here on campus, but if I focus too much on school work and ministry here then I’m not adequately preparing myself for next year and not working on the support I need in order to go. There has to be a healthy balance because if I don’t get my thesis done, then I don’t graduate and can’t go on the World Race, and if I don’t work on support and PRAY about it then I won’t have enough to go on the race.

I would appreciate your prayer for what that balance looks like. I want to soak up everything in Davis and California before college is done and I dont see these people for a long time, but I also need to be logical about preparing for the next year ahead because it is going to be a HARD one.

Advice and prayer needed!