To close out our basketball season, we decided we wanted to take the girls to do something fun. Leisa ended up meeting an American guy him Starbucks who helps produce a traveling performing group called “Up With People”. It is a non-religious, non-political group that travels around the world putting on their show which consists of dancing, singing, and facts, trying to raise awareness about poverty and other world issues. The group is made up of people from all over the world, and we decided that would be something cool for the girls. It ended up being an amazing trip. The car ride was about an hour away into Manilla. Most of the girls had never been that far, and they were all amazed at the skyscrapers. Who would have guessed that skyscrapers could be so cool? They loved the show so much, that we ended up staying for both performances. It was just an awesome day. So cool to see their reactions. Below is a short picture show of our day.