So I am literally drinking out of a coconut on our gorgeous roof with a view of Phnom Krom mountain.  But this post isn’t about the hydrating benefits of coconut water.

It’s our last day here in my lovely Siem Reap. I can’t believe the time has flown by so fast.

I’m still processing all the things God is doing here in Cambodia, within my team, and in our ministry. It’s going to be very emotional to leave the strong relationships we have been building. Especially with the female teachers who have been our best friends here, every day. But I am determined to be fully PRESENT in each & every moment!

(Stay tuned for 2 more blog posts and some pictures and videos and specifics on our month! I will (FINALLY) have time on our 20 hour bus ride to Thailand to get some pictures edited and blogs written.  Will upload when I get to Wi-Fi!)

Even though our main ministry this month was in teaching English to the little ones, I think the biggest piece of our month has been loving, growing with, and sharing in our faith with these strong, loving teachers/friends! Chantra, Sreyneang, Sopheak, Nae E, Theara, Nathaniel, Sophy, & Yuwat have given us so much love & friendship.


We hope we blessed them with encouragement to keep doing the insane Kingdom work they do every day, with memories to hold on to when we miss each other, and with joy, laughs, and excitement for us all being together again in Heaven. Cambodia & my friends… you are in my heart! Mustard Seed School is truly a seed the Lord has planted and a source of joy, hope, love, and beauty here in Aranh Village.  They are always accepting sponsorship of students and are hoping to expand the school soon, too! Please be in prayer for them and their efforts!


And home team,

…you don’t have to be 1 days away from leaving Cambodia to TAKE TODAY and LIVE in each moment. Breathe deeply and look around you, before the view passes you by. Smile at the woman on the street and thank the man who holds the door for you. Make everything new, even if it’s familiar! And most importantly LOVE deeply, even if you know you’re leaving them soon. Even if it hurts. (It will hurt.)

But drink DEEPLY from all that today can give you, all that the Father wants you to take in.  It’s easy to be sad about endings or get excited for new things, but God has placed special things in THIS MOMENT for you to drink in.

I’m trying to do the same.



(Sorry for so few pictures… wifi is very slow! Check my Facebook for most recent updates @ Kathy J.)