At least, that’s what the Lord told me this week. 

A couple of days ago, I had a yearning desire spring up in my heart to forego the next segment of our China ministry, and spend the week in our contact’s home with his family.  I wistfully brushed the thought aside, as I figured this would be a waste of a ministry opportunity, and I certainly didn’t want to ditch out on my team. You can imagine my surprise when, the night before we were scheduled to leave, our contact asked the whole group if there was anyone willing to stay behind to keep his wife company, and help her out with their adorable new baby. 

Sanru immediately stuck her hand up in the air, and I paused a moment, thinking Lord, is this really something you have for me?  Especially when there is already another volunteer?  Well, the Lord knows better than I do, so I went ahead and raised my hand too, and asked if I could pray about that possibility.  That evening I returned to my hotel room and asked Gary to pray along with me.  The more I prayed, the more I had a certainty that I was to stay behind.  In fact, I had a clear vision of the three of us girls chatting as we worked alongside each
My New Buddyother in the kitchen.  Gary confirmed that the Lord was calling me to stay, and Anna-Marie also confirmed that she believed Sanru and I were both to stay back. 

The next morning, I bid farewell to my sweetie, my teammates, and the rest of my racer friends as they set out to their next top-secret ministry location.  Meanwhile, Sanru & I are staying behind to assist our missionary friend’s wife with her newborn baby.  It’s a decision I am totally at peace with, as I am confident that the Lord has a good reason for sending Gary and I to different cities this week. 

Sweet Little BabyI am now looking forward to the chance to slow down – catch up on my sleep, beat the cold I’ve had for the past week and a half, and best of all, spend a great amount of time before the Lord, praying, listening, reflecting, learning, and reading His word.  Although I have had an amazing experience doing His work, I cannot go on until I spend time with Him, loving Him, hearing from Him, and worshipping His good name.  I am grateful for the opportunity to spend the week lifting up my teammates in prayer, as well as the chance to encourage and love on a dedicated missionary’s family. 

Please join me in praying that God bless the ministry of my fellow world racers, that they would have many opportunities to be bold for His name, and that His light would shine through them as they journey to the most remote of regions.  Pray also that Sanru and I would be a blessing to this missionary’s family, and that life-long friendships would be built.  Thank you!