Is it that time again?

Where do I start!

I am currently in Atlanta, Georgia staying at a pretty fancy shmancy Holiday Inn. (Oh! You didn't know Holiday Inn's were fancy shmancy!?) I am slowly beginning to let realization sink in that these are my last few American meals…last few hot showers that I can enjoy with my mouth wide open (not that I'd do that..that would be weird)…and last few times I can freely text/call/snapchat all my loved ones whenever my heart desires.  

The last week was fairly emotionally taxing. There were many tearful goodbyes, weirdly anxious stomach knots, and endless hours of watching my mom pack and re-pack my bag. (I wasn't going to admit that, but I couldn't not give her credit for all her hard work!) After 3 rounds of hugging my family goodbye at the airport with tears streaming down my face (or should I say our faces), reuniting with my squad here in Georgia was much needed. 

We now have just one more day of training before we are off to Guatemala. It feels surreal but it's exciting and overwhelming in such a good way. I have been sent off well; many unopened letters from loved ones are waiting in my backpack to meet me in the lonely and difficult places. Family and friends have committed to covering my team and I in prayer and I can already feel God's protection as we move forward with the journey. All my gear is together and highly unorganized, but ready to go. But most importantly, my heart is ready, full, and willing to leap out into the unknown. 

Oh you bring hope to the hopeless
And light to those in the darkness
And death to life
Now I’m alive

And You opened the door for me
And You laid down
Your life to set me free
All that I am will serve You Lord
And You opened my eyes to see
All the wonder and awe of Christ in me
Jesus You’re everything I need

Oh You Bring, Hillsong

I can't thank each and every one of you enough for the love and support and encouragement that has been showered over me as I prepare to go. I've felt new depths of peace and love that the Lord has poured into my heart through you. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me as He continues to write His story. Thank you for bringing the Kingdom into my world and showing me how to love and love well. I am encouraged by all of you and incredibly grateful that the Lord has placed you in my life 🙂

Ta ta for now, America!