today is our last day…

tomorrow morning we will head out around 10am to another city where we will meet up with the rest of our teams.  from there, we will be travelling by cab, bus, and train to macau.  we fly out of macau on sunday and land in bangkok, thailand on 10:45pm on sunday night.

within the next few days, if i have the chance to post pictures from our travelling…i will definitely do that!  please keep us all in prayer as we head south!  (and to sunshine!  thank the LORD!) 

it’s been awesome laying the foundation here in china with these people who have never seen foreigners.  i will truly miss our friends we have made but am grateful that we can “trust in the Lord” to continue working amazing things in their lives!

keep checking the site for pictures…for some reason, this journey never ceases to amaze me and i love sharing it with you!  🙂

all my love…