the travelling is almost finished…

we arrived in bangkok a few days ago and have spent the last two visiting a few places in the city.  we took the little tour down the floating market which was awesome!  just like you see in movies.  we got in our little speed boat and cruised up and down streams.  slowing down and stopping at some of the other canoes that held fruits, honey, souveniors.  we saw the most adorable ladies with big straw hats on.  i’ll post pictures as soon as i find a computer that will upload them.  having trouble with this one.

so the biggest night for us was when we went down to the “red light district.”  instead of retyping everything out, check kim kinsley’s blog for the details.  all i can say is it was the most horrible thing i have ever experienced in my life.  my heart broke for those girls, and i can still see their faces.  their lives are shattered right now, and there is no way i can walk away from here and do nothing to help get them out of this torture.  of course, there is a ton of technical work and money to be raised to do this, but seeing these 11 and 12 year olds up there without a smile on their face will put you in tears.  ok, enough about this…but please read kims blog.

so right now we are in trang, thailand.  we rode a bus from bangkok starting at 6pm last night until 6am this morning.  we will be meeting up with everyone soon and heading on a boat for an hour to some island.  here we will be working in a muslim community and hosting outreach games for the children!  if they have internet access over there, i will continue to post and finally upload pictures!

all my love…