We are on a mission to brighten these children’s lives.   One of the things we feel would make a huge difference is to restore their three rooms they live, sleep, and eat in.   So, our idea is to go buy some fun, bright colored paint and completely redo their rooms.   We would love to paint scriptures on the walls, and hopefully a mural.  I’m so excited for this opportunity to bless these children with a new room.   Our only obstacle is in the financial side.  We do not have enough money to complete this project.  So, I’m asking you to please pray with me and see if God leads you to give to these children.

If you would like to help us out, there is a way of donating through this website…or you can contact AIM personally.


So we landed in Delhi on May 1st.  The rest of our debrief in Thailand went really well.   We had many people speak, went through some studies, and enjoyed a great week of spending time with each other.  We raced to Maylasia on the 28th.   Congrats to the Lime team for their win!  The other four teams flew, but my team took a bus.  So we ended up coming in last place.  

India.  Orphanage.  80 kids without parents.   But let me tell you…they have got it together.  They live a life full of the Lord.   I don’t think I have mentioned it in any of my blogs yet for fear of scaring my parents, but the pastor’s son of this place has been suffering severe persecution in jail for the sake of the gospel and for the children.   Yesterday afternoon, he was released on bail!!!  There are still 14 false charges against him that he still needs to address in court, but yesterday we were able to meet him for about 30 minutes.  He stopped by to say hello to the children and then continued on with his 20 or so friends in three different disguised vehicles to a hiding place as they are trying to kill him before he returns back to court.  You really can’t get anymore real than this.  I was so incredibly encouraged by just being in his presence and hearing him talk of how faithful the Lord is for keeping him alive through prison.  He said they did everything they could to try to kill him.  He had 14 poisinous rats dumped into his cell and continually bit him.  He had sewage dumped on him.  The list goes on, and yet he was able to share the gospel with the many people around him.  His attitude is great, and he was continually just thanking the Lord.  How amazing! 

Usually, there are 360 kids in this orphanage, but when the pastor was taken in, they couldn’t afford to keep them all.  So many had to go back to either parents that didn’t want them or couldn’t afford to keep them.  

So with that said, I want to tell you about the kids that are left here.  The ones that do not have parents.   True orphans…with hearts of gold.  

These children are the most disciplined, well-behaved kids I think I have ever seen.  They are up every morning at 6am to pray and sing together.   They meet again in the afternoon to pray and then in the evening one of the kids leads a devotional for everyone else.   Last night we were able to experience the most amazing thing.  They gathered together for their devotional.   It began with singing songs to the Lord, and then someone raised a prayer request.   Instantly, all the children began to pray aloud for that need.  Then one of the boys stood up and read a scripture.   He proceeded to give a complete devotional about the meaning of it.  Unbelievable. 

They range in age from about 4-16.  It is the most incredible privilege for me to be here and to love on them.   Despite the lice, fleas,  scabies, and 120 + degree heat…their smiles will capture your heart.  

This month, our large group will all be together here.  There are many needs that we will be serving.   We split into groups and the different ministries include…

Cutting hair/treating lice/medical
Physical labor/building shelves
One on one time with children
Crafts/games/Bible studies

We will be blogging somewhat often I think, but I will be sending them through an email to my sister to post.  We cannot open AIM’s website here for obvious reasons so I’ll have to upload all my pictures when we leave.  

Please continue to keep our team in your prayers as the heat can be very draining, and there are many discomforts.  My prayer is that we would all embrace these children with much joy and love as they live this way their whole life…and not get caught into any complaining or tiring mode.  Thank you all for all your support!  Even miles and miles away…we think of you often and how blessed we are to have such an amazing support team!!

Sending much love…