Dear Family,

As I started this letter I typed “Dear friends and family,” but realized you are all my family. So that is who I am writing this letter to, my loving family.

 I am so excited to share the amazing adventure that God is sending me on! In July, I went on a trip to New York where I helped victims of hurricane Sandy. While on this trip I heard about an amazing ministry called “The World Race.” The World Race is an 11-month missions trip where I will go to 11 different countries. When I first heard about the World Race, I was sold. I instantly started praying, “God if this is what you want for my life show me”. In the coming weeks, as I researched I felt God laying it on my heart to go. I applied, interviewed, and a week later, I was accepted! After being accepted, I was ecstatic!

I am so excited to go on this journey! I will leave January of 2014 and travel the world until December 2014. I will visit India, Nepal, China, Cambodia, Thailand, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. There were a few different race routes to choose from and when I was looking at all the options I really felt that this was the route for me! I feel that God has put India on my heart. Whenever I think about missions, I think of India. I have never really been sure why but I feel God has something special to show me in India, and that is why I chose this route in particular.

            Traveling for 11 months to 11 countries is not cheap. I will need to raise over $15,000 not including supplies. When looking at that number I can get discouraged, but then I remember that God has brought me to this mission and if He wants me to complete it He will make it happen, not without hard work on my part, but He will get me there. That is one of the reasons I am writing this letter, to ask for your financial support. Throughout the years I have gone on many missions trips and so many of you have been a big part in sending me. I want to say a huge thanks to all of you that have supported me in the past.

Another reason for writing this letter is to ask for your prayers! We all know how important and helpful prayer is! I hope you will remove this bottom section and place it where you will see it often, and use it as a reminder to pray for me! To stay updated check out my blog at:


Please pray for the preparation for my trip and that I will be able to raise all the funds needed in time!

Please pray that God will grow in my heart throughout the process!

Please pray for the relationships that I will get from this experience!

Please pray for my safety during training camp in October!

Thank you and God Bless!

Jennifer Welch