As I’ve talked with people about World Race I have gotten 2 main questions:

1) What is the World Race?

I wrote about what the World Race is here.

2) How can I help?

First things first, I need a WHOLE lot of prayer. This trip is absolutely ridiculous, no seriously, I have no idea what the Lord is going to do in this trip…but it’s way out of my league. You can partner with me throughout the next few months as we prepare and throughout the journey as a prayer partner.  

Action: Shoot me an email and I’ll send you specifics on how you can pray for my squad and I as we prepare and as we serve.


The second way you can help has a few parts to make up the whole [math pun]. Don’t worry we’re not talking fractions but we are talking about financial need.

I thought my first shower would be for a wedding, but God has other plans, apparently it’s for travel gear!  In case you didn’t know, I’m not a camper [at all], the Lord’s working on that I think. But I need to purchase a tent, eno, a lifestraw, an external hard drive, and so much more gear before September to be prepared for our training camp/the actual trip.

Action: I have created a Registry if this is a way you desire to help.

You like to do fun things right? Ok, good, because we had you specifically in mind when we started looking at fundraising ideas.  From t-shirts to a 5K Night Glow to Chick-fil-a day to Flamingo Flocking — we’re going to have TONS of fun!

Action: To sign up for an event or to find out more information on Tshirts, 5K Night Glow, Flamingo Flocking, Chick-fil-a Day [June 11th].

As you saw at the top of this website, we still have a good ways to go before we reach the goal of $16,562 to fund the trip itself.  The truth is, that number is just the beginning — after the $16,562 we still have vaccines and gear to purchase. To say I’m a little overwhelmed at the thought of it is an understatement. But it’s God’s. So it’s good. And it will happen.  Are you part of that making it happen? The best support would be to have monthly financial partners. Whether it’s $1/month or $50/month, we take one step closer to reaching our goal.

Action: You can support me with a one-time or monthly gift here. If you wish to give directly to preparation please email Jen for her address.


Use the “Subscribe” button to receive updates on Jen’s World Race.  You can support Jen with a one-time or monthly gift here. Jen currently has 0 prayer partners and 0 financial partners. Please email Jen if you wish to become a partner.