my month in mozambique in a nutshell via photossss….

we look an 18 hr bus drive to beira, mozambique.

the bus broke down.

so why not video and take random pictures as we wait for 2 hours?

this is mama rita’s house where she houses the 20 or so orphans. she housed all 6 of us north americans. their hospitality was amazing… to say the very least.

this is mama rita.

and peter. they are some of the people that saw the need for taking all of the kids in…

this is the land where they are dreaming of putting the real orphanage one day… i seriously love their vision and they completely want to be self sufficient with having their own means of income.

one day they were mashing maize… i tried it out.

in the house there were a lot of rats around. this is one that killed by the poison… jonah doesn’t wince.

some of the beautiful kids we would play with…

how many people can we pack into the mini bus? this was a question we would ask each day…

another mode of transportation to the rural parts of africa…. known as “the bush”….

we rode for many many hours…. lets just say we had some sore bums near the end of the trip.

once we arrived at various places in the bush… we would encounter as we would like to call it…. “the art of staring”

me trying to set up our tents.

i’m trying from inside my tent to take a nap during the middle of the day since we started travel at 3am in the morning…

on our way back to swaziland we got a fun day of snorkeling!

amazing times in mozambique!