Another week has almost finished in Byron Bay. (Time flies
on the World Race!)  God is definitely here and He is most definitely
working and moving in this community.  Being in Byron is unique. 
It’s almost like being on a different planet. Our time here is largely
unstructured due to the atmosphere of the town.  Byron runs on African
time or island time, if you prefer. (All that means is that everything is late,
sometimes really late.)  Bryon is a transient community with a unique
blend of all the world’s cultures with a sprinkle of hippies.  You can
hardly find a local if you tried.  I have met Germans, Norwegians,
Australians from everywhere but Byron, Canadians, a Brazilian, Sweedes, Brits,
Frenchmen, and I am sure some more. Anyways, I wanted to give y’all an idea of
what Byron is like, and truthfully nothing epitomizes Byron more than this

Unfortunately, I don’t exactly have a story to share with
you all that could fit on a blog, but I would like to leave you with a poem and
an encouragement: 


Come To Me and I Will Give You Rest:


Most days I struggle just to get out of bed,

There’s a heaviness on me like a suit of lead.

The whole day through it’s weighing me down,

Try though I may, I produce only frowns.

Oh, where did my joy run away to be?

Is it lost in this world…this infinite sea?

But then this day, by happen-stance I read,

That, low and behold, a stranger once said:

To him I should come, and he’ll give me rest.

So toward him I turned and dumped all off my chest

Right then and there and to my surprise

A joy in me began to light up my eyes

I had opened my heart and invited a guest

And what did he bring, but a glorious rest!!

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will
give you rest.  Take my yoke upon
you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find
rest for your souls.  For my yoke
is easy and my burden is light.” 
Matthew 11:28-30