Hola,Just got done hanging out with Christian and his wife Chris. Theyare the couple who I rode here with. Theyare also missionaries. They lived in California before then Hawii, and have lived here a couple other times. They focus on ministering to surfer’s.We’ve, been testifying and en couraging each other.

     I spent some time alone on the beach today went for a swim, then on the way back to my cabana I went past this little bar. I felt prompted to go talk to the bartender(he was the only person there, it’s low season right now)he was reading a book about Hitler. I told him I was a missionary and talked about Jesus with him for a few minutes then he got upset and said we needed to switch the conversation. So I asked him What have you learned about Hitler that´s interesting that you didn´t know before?

He just looked at me kind of puzzled. So we then talked about how Hitler turned the devastated German economy around in 4 year’s. We then moved on to metaphysic’s which brought us to the corrolation of thought and the spiritual plain,meeting the physical which in turn allowed me to  turn the conversation back to truth in a more pallatable non-offensive format at the end of which  he allowed me to pray for him. I asked the LORD to reveal himself to this young man.  He made a point about the thing’s we read or feed on are the thing’s we think about. I then used that to explain that if we put junk in junk will come back out.Everyone’s searching for truth and love, lonely bartender’s on the beach ,missionari’es from Michigan, people reading this blog. God want´s to use people just like us to reach other’s just like us.If we believe Christ is king and he live’s in us shouldn’t our live’s be reflecting that and we be reaching out and sharing our faith wherever we´re at?? Something I need to work on more to. I’m not called to be a closet christian. I was sitting with a couple of other people today and found myself getting drawn in to there conversation and for a while you would not have known I was a missionary.We are all work’s in progress.

There is something definitely spiritual about the ocean! The ebbing tide crashing against the shore, ever shifting sand. The constant flux of our live’s  as the spiritual ebb’s in around and through us. The power of it all. Nature testify’s OF HIM!!