Hola everyone, Or should I say hola Stella(at least one person still read’s what I’m up to)        pause for effect I’m not above sympathy.          Just watched a great documentary on PBS about the Belgium resistance in W.W.II 

Wow. Those people really followed the spirit. Was talking to a friend. He live’s in Texas. But is being discipled by Thomi(director here). So he’s around here frequently. He was telling me about a mission’s trip he was on earlier this summer to Tiajuana.  Gilbert is his name he’s about20 or so. Well he and 2youth were walking around with there A.I.M. shirt’s on and this trio of young guy’s walk up and the leader of the 3 just hit’s my friend full on, my friend just dropped to his knee’s and said please forgive me if Iv’e offended you!!!   I just find that amazing.      1.Idon’t know if I could not respond without lashing back(CRACK night night) 2. Very wise considering he had 2 youth who would have probably gotten hurt had he retaliated. Almost finished tearing out the foundation under the old store here. I was finishing up today,backgrading with the tractor when  I heard a godawful noise and a reallybad vibration. I shut it down and called it a day. Praying it’s nothing major.

     Really talking to the LORD alot. Trying to get some clear discernment on what’s next. What that look’s like. My commitment here at the work farm is up in a couple week’s. Then I’m free from prison.When I got kicked off the WORLD RACE they sent me to the place where all bad racer’s go. Just kidding My time here has been quite good. I also know this is where GOD wanted me.

Along those line’s when I was in Oaxaca (thousand’s of mile’s from home I met a young man who’s attending college 30 mile’s from my home in Michigan. When I go home for the holiday’s were going to hook up and have coffee. 

     Need to adress a couple of issue’s with some people whov’e offended me recently. Should probably talk to the LORD about itfirst. See what he has to say or how he lead’s me through it. Sometim’s he work’s these thing’s through when we present them to him. 

         I don’t know if I’m going home for Thanksgiving even though my commitment will be up. There’s a few thing’s I want to get done around here first. When I leave I want to be in good standing’s with Thomi. I want  him to know if he ask’s me to get something done it will happen. That’s about standing behind your word. I want to write more I’m just tired maybe tommorrow. GOD bless Good night!!

