First day of ministry in Teapa, we went door to door evangelizing. We met a lady named Teresa who use to be a Christian and fell away from the church. When she needed help no one was there to help her. She was talking to Cory (our translator) and you could tell she was really upset. You could see it in her face and hear it in her voice the pain that she was feeling. As Cory told us what was going on I felt it strongly on my heart to tell her that she was forgiven. As I told her that she wept and shook her head. She had two little girls and I felt like the Lord was telling me to tell her to turn back to the Lord and seek Him and focus on Him so she can be the woman of God that the children need. The Lord wants to restore her joy and take away all the pain.

Then we met another lady that has been under a lot of attack. She was explaining how she had a lot of idols in her life, things in place of God. The Lord laid her low and allowed her to see her sin. Though it was very painful for her she really held onto the Lord. I felt the Lord telling me to let her know she was doing the right thing and fighting right. We are all under attack and we all fight the enemy and she is doing the right thing by standing ion the word of God and fighting. She had 1 little boy and 3 adopted boys, they were a beautiful family. They seemed very well off for the area that we were ministering in.

Ministry time is great; the area is beautiful, fruit plantations all over, staying at the local church and is very pleasant. And God is crucifying my flesh.

Please pray for my strength and endurance and that I will be obedient unto the Lord.