I spent yesterday ministering to a family I wrote about in June. I met Sergio   when my associate pastor came down to Reynosa Mex. to lead a project for A.I.M. We went to Reynosa with the set up coordinator Ceaser to make sure everything was in order for the upcoming week of ministry. Ceaser had a friend there who he wanted to have lunch with because his friend had been going through a rough time. We picked up Sergio Ceasers friend and while traveling in the van Sergio began to tell us of his troubles as Ceaser interpreted. Sergio had just been released from a 9 yr.prison stint. His wife Maria and there 7 children were living in the back of a church in Reynosa during his incarceration. The pastor of the church, had assured Sergio he would take care of his family. Maria went to visit Sergio often, and would leave the children at the church. On returning from one of her visits Maria walked in on the pastor molesting one of her daughters.

    The police were called, and the ensuing investigation brought more to light. 20yrs. ago the same pastor had been dismissed from another church for abuse allegations. It turns out the pastor had not just abused one of the girls but all three of Sergios daughter’s, and this had been going on for 7yrs.  The whole situation is a travesty. I met Sergio,Maria,and the 4 boy’s in June on our missions trip when Sergio turned to me in the van and told me he needed to hear my testimony. He just turned  and said I know your testimony is going to be a blessing to me. Later during the week I shared an overview of my life with him. As I talked to him about my experiences I told him of the stumbling blocks the enemy lays in our hearts when we are violated and the daunting task that his daughters now face of overcoming hate and fear. The more we talked the more Sergio cried. I tried to comfort him and told him repeatedly how important the LORD is in this whole process. That god is the real healer and lest we allow him in our hearts all my his and every other well intentioned effort is for naught. I met Maria later that same week and tried to comfort her in her grief and offer encouraging words. I remember Maria truly lamenting.

      This week  Ceaser and I took Sergio Maria and the boys out to a nice dinner and just spent some time catching up.

            10 days ago one of the girls ran away from the orphanage that they are staying at. Sergios out of work and the girls need a safe enviroment at this point. After lunch Sergio told Ceaser he had arranged it so we could go out and meet the girls. We went to the orphanage and met the director and one of the staff.Then we met Sergios daughters I was troubled when I saw them for I hadn’t thought it a ll through how young these girls were someting like 13,14 and,16. It’s one thing to hear terrible storie’s and another to see the faces of the people affected. We went into a small room at the orphanage and I just began to pray with them. I then just began to share my heart with them I opened with I understand you’ve been through some rough things.I to have been through some rough things(I was trying to be sensitive,I didn’t want to emberass them or intimidate them). I don’t think Iv’e ever felt so inept to help before in my life. You have 3 young lady’s before you whose hearts have been ravaged with pain. How do you take away that pain?How do you help? You just do your part and ask god to deal with the pain the anger the hopelesness. I emphasized over and over the importance of dealing with there emotions. That its O.K.to be angry with the LORD that they have to deal with the pain to express it to let it out. That theres a healthy way and a destuctive way. As I kept on one of the girls started to cry. As my eyes started to water. I pushed my emotions down. I tried to convey that without Jesus’s love life is pointless. Even as I write I’m struggling.I hope to have an ongoing relationship with Sergio and his family, Iwant to walk with them through this process. I want to comfort with the comfort I have been comforted with. If it weren’t for the LORD first and foremost I would not be alive let alone to the point I’m at in my process of healing. I’m just glad that there are people all over the world who are willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus. This is how I know the bible is true that god is real that Christ is king. Because Christians have walked with me prayed me through and shown me the fathers love when I couldn’t recieve it directly from him. Iv’e been through droughts spiritually that lasted for years yet he sustained me. I pray god will raise up true intercessors (PRAYER WARRIORS ) through my feeble words to help this family. I cant’ convey the gravity of the pain I saw in each of these  girls eyes but, I can tell you it made an indelible impression on my heart.I want the LORD to use my life to be salve on the wounds of others lives.Please pray the LORD would give me the words and wisdom to continue in this ministry.Please be praying for Sergio and his girls,that the  enemy does’nt steal any of them with his lies. That they can enjoy life, that they would choose to fight through persevere and overcome in Christ that the LORD would  put a hedge of protection around Sergio and his family. Please pray as god leads you. Also pray for the orphanage as it is faith based.

                                                 In Christ I stand,

                                                            Hugh      P.S. there is a picture of the family and me if you click on browse my photos ,I want people to be able to put faces with this atrocity.We also need to jump into others pain and do what the LORD calls us to do to help.