It’s so great to be here in Kenya. 
Finally, a chance to get away from the distractions that come with travel, tourism, and big-group living. 
Finally, a chance to pour myself into ministry.  It’s like a breath of fresh air!

A Kid in KiberaIt seems our main focus here will be evangelism, both through door-to-door visitations and open-air revival-style events.  In addition to this, God is challenging us to love and care for the poor of Kibera, especially those who lack money for food and schooling for their children.

Yesterday was our first door-to-door experience.  We went out in three groups, each with a pastor from the church we are working with, to visit people in their homes in a section of Kibera called Olympic. 

As we walked there, one of the pastors ran into a woman who goes to his church.  She asked him to come and pray for her, so he and a portion of our group went with her to her nearby home. 

Meanwhile, Pastor Jackson and I began talking with a woman named Rebecca there on the street.  Rebecca was a Catholic, but she said she did not know if she was saved.  She said she wasn’t sure that someone COULD know for sure.  Pastor Jackson and I shared the Good News with her: that Jesus died for her sins, and that she could know she was headed for heaven for sure if she would only trust in Him for her salvation.  After several minutes of discussion, Rebecca told us she desired to give her life to Christ.

We hadn’t even got into the neighborhood we were targeting, and already the Holy Spirit was brining new believers into the Kingdom!  What an awesome God we serve!

After arriving in Olympic, we prayed and split up into three groups.  Katherine and I went with Jackson.  We were supposed to spend an hour visiting homes and sharing the Gospel before meeting up at Jackson’s church.

Well, our group spent more like two hours visiting homes, and in that time we saw another four people come to Christ.  In fact, every non-believer we invited to accept Christ said, “Yes!”  Every one of them!  We also had the honor of praying for a couple of women who were believers in difficult circumstances.  It was truly a day of blessings.

Please pray for these new believers: Rebecca, Caroline, Caroline, Stephen, and Edie.  They need our prayers for protection from the Enemy and the support of local believers.  Pray they come to church this Sunday.

On Saturday, we are supposed to be having an open-air event in this same neighborhood.  We have spent our mornings all this week preparing dramas to present at the event.  Please pray that everything would go smoothly with the event, and that many more would come to Christ through our meager efforts.

I’m so excited to see what will transpire in the weeks to come, and I humbly thank God for including Kibera in the path of discipleship He has me on.

Oh, and for those that don’t follow college football, my Trojans KILLED their opponent and are now ranked third in the country.  We’re idle this week, so no Game Day preparations need be made.  FIGHT ON, TROJANS!!