Tomorrow we head out
for Thailand. This is my first time to
be in Thailand and my first time to be over seas. I have been to Mexico and Central America a
few times before this year but this is my first for over seas. Honestly, my emotions are mixed. Nervous yet excited, expecting yet
wondering. We have been given a very
little amount of information of what it will be like in Thailand and I’ve
learned that’s a good thing. To know
little keeps from expecting a lot. But
the little that I do know, I will share with you. 

This month, we will
be ministering in Thailand. The location
is yet unknown. The guys and gals will
separate this month to perform two different ministries. The gals will be ministering to prostitues,
the sex slaves, and ‘lady-boys’ (men who have sex changes). Our squad leaders will group us girls into
bigger teams since our guys will be away this month. Our ministry work will mostly take place in
the evenings when bars and clubs are most active but also during the day when
people sober and better prone to listen. From my experience in Costa Rica, I’ve learned that ministry is not
about witnessing, preaching, and slamming the person with all their
wrongs. But it is about loving them, spending
time with them, and relating to them. Coming to their understanding and reaching inside their heart with
trust. In the latin speaking countries,
I still felt in my comfort zone. I knew
the language and for the most part understood what was said and going on. I understood the culture and belief
system. I was use to the lifestyle and
living areas. I’ve been among the
Hispanic people for as long as I can remember. But with Thailand, there will not be a language that I understand… a
culture I relate to… a lifestyle I am use to… a people I know. I will have to rely on the Spirit to speak to
me and through me. I will have to rely
on faith to assure me. I will have to
rely on God (what a novel idea huh)   So
I am excited to take what I’ve learned and apply it gracefully. Plus I’m excited to learn more revelations
that the Lord will show me throughout this month. Thailand will be a new experience for me but
most importantly it will be a new opportunity for God to speak to me of more
revelations in Him.