The African sun rises over the horizon and warns the rooster
to declare the new day. The call echoes
in the valley and the morning is alive, people moving everywhere. Bright colors of orange and yellow light up
the sky and the earth is heated up by the hot African sun.

The smell of a warm cooked meal hangs in the air as the
women prepare their meals over the fire.
The beautiful faces of the children are painted with smiles never to
leave their faces again. Their laughter
resounds and joy remains in our hearts. With pride and boldness they greet us
in English, leaving their hearts pounding with excitement.

The Missai is dressed in bright red and their heads are
decorated with shining jewelry. They
are the mighty warriors of Africa, very proud and the owners of all the cattle
of the world. Very much respected by
all .

The corn is dry and ready to be harvested. They harvest it by hand and leave it in the
sun to dry. Bags of filled with corn and
beaten with a stick to remove the corn form the cob. The remaining plant is fed to the coats and

Matthew 9:37

Then he said to his disciples, “ The harvest is plentiful
but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of
the harvest therefore to send out the workers into the harvest field”

The people of Tanzania have hungered after God for so
long. Their spirits are starving and
they are eating the words of the Gospel – never to be hungry again. God is working in amazing ways, in Arusha:
healing, forgiving, freedom from bondage and restoring lives. Yes!
The harvest is great and we are few!
Gods Spirit is moving and is burning like a fire in dry grass! We are spending lots of time, sharing the
gospel, praying for many people and discipelling young believers.