Unsung: When the “World Race” sends a team to scout out an area for potential ministries to partner with.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who ask receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. –Matthew Ch 7 V 7-8
When doing “unsung hero” on the race you don’t have accommodations preset, you really don’t have much of anything preset. We are told a budget and a city to start in. We get $10 per person per day for lodging and food. In some countries that’s enough money to get by and in others it’s not. We were in Botswana, which is the diamond capital of the world, where people from all over go to for safaris. The government is run well and things are expensive. Even though the country has prospered they have been severely devastated by HIV. 75% of the countries population is under the age of 29.
What Happened this Month?
With such a low budget we really needed God to show up big. We made a list of impossible prayers which we later titled possible prayers.
Possible Prayers List:
1) Free transport between cities
2) Free meals
4) Wheels in Botswana
5) Good health (no malaria)
6) Free Safari
7) Fast internet
8) Free lodging
10) Go to Victoria Falls
11) Fun Money
12) Find quality contacts outside of Botswana
Here’s the Fun Part
God showed up
We met amazing people around the country and one of the ways they blessed us was with really good Free meals! Everyone on the the team stayed in Good Health (no malaria)! We all wanted to go on a safari, but didn’t know how realistic it was. We stayed with the Buckley’s, a missionary couple in Francis Town. At the end of our stay they gave us each money so we could enjoy a Free Safari! We then needed to make our way up to Kasane, Botswana to meet with more potential contacts. The cheapest lodging we could find was a campsite for $10 per person per night, way above our budget. Hours before we went to bed we got a call from a man that wanted to meet with us. We met with him and he made a call and got us Free lodging in Kasane, for one week! As we left Francis Town we said good bye to our new friend Mel. Mel handed us a card with Fun money! With that we could all Go to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and enjoy some of the things the town had to offer for far less then we anticipated! We got to Kasane and I had to complete 13 hours of real estate continuing education courses, but I needed fast internet. We found a really upscale hotel and they let us use their Fast Internet! We went to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and experienced one of the seven natural wonders of the world. While we were there one of our teammates randomly met a missionary. After talking for awhile they came to find out that he and his ministry (YWAM) want to host teams. A few team members went and visited his ministry and interviewed him and other staff members and signed them up. We found a Quality contact outside of Botswana!
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who ask receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. –Matthew Ch 7 V 7-8
What are some possible prayers you have?