We have been staying in Palanque, Mexico for the last few days. The main object of our time has been to debrief our time so far and to get filled back up and refreshed for our next leg of the journey. (We leave for Guatemala, Lake Atitlan, in the morning.)
Yesterday we had the awesome priveledge of going to some of the Mayan ruins in the area. It was one of those places that you only see in National Geographics! You could understand why these people had hundreds of temples on the mountains in order to worship the gods of different things (god of- the sun, wind, death, moon, etc.). We got a tour of the grounds which was a great way of hearing and understanding the culture.
The best part was that we got to trek through the dense jungle that the ruins were in. We walked on top of where temples are barried deep under the ground, where trees have roots bigger than me going deep into the temple walls. As we walked we were steping on and around blocks that had been cut from stone thousands of years ago by the Mayans. It was a real Indiana Jones adventure. As we walked around I was continually just in awe of how all of this was created by our God! Here I am a 24 year old from wet Washington, USA, and I have the honor of walking through the jungle of Mexico praising the one and only God! The jungle can make you feel small, alone and scared…. but for me I felt empowred. I had nothing to worry about (even when our guide got lost). It was like I was getting to experience a whole new and beautiful part of our God and the history of our world.
Sometimes it takes a loud word of the Lord to get our attention back focused on Him and off of the worries of today…. and other times it just takes a walk through the jungle of Mexico.