So after a few days of being sick and not enjoying much of Guatemala, I was finally able to get out and do some ministry on Wednesday.  After much pondering, I have come to the conclusion that my sickness is due to the malaria medication I was taking.  I had all the possible side effects of the drug.  So rather than feel like that all month I´m going to have to take my chances with the mosquitos.  Fortunately, I haven´t seen many at all.

On Wednesday my team went out to move some rocks from someone´s yard that had been overtaken during the mudslides of Hurricane Stan.  I went with them, but after a while my low energy level caught up with me.  So I sat down on the rocks and just stuffed sacks while Sarah carried them them away.  It made for a good team effort.  God was with me giving me energy to continue throughout the day though and it was wonderful to spend time with my team once again. 

Yesterday I was able to play in our basketball game against the Guatemalans.  I don´t know that in my full strength I would have been much help, but it was fun!  I also preached last night at the church service.  God gave me a message on the power of His grace.  It was a wonderful day and lots of fun to preach in three languages at once.  (English, Spanish, and Tzutuhil) 

God is restoring me physically and I´m ready to go.  Pray for the people of San Paublo and for the work God has given us to do here.