This has been a great week of minstry.  When I first found out that we would be planting churches along the way, I wondered how that would work.  But God is so faithful.  The body of believers that has assembled in our small community continues to grow, despite rain and sickness.  The Lord is drawing people to Himself, and it´s quite apparant that He doesn´t have to use little folks like me, but for some reason He likes to.  It´s fun.  We have been busy at our evening services, our fiestas, and getting over our illnesses.  I caught a little bug this week, but it was nothing more than the sniffles and the sneezes.  The mosquitoes have taken a toll on my legs though and that is not very fun.  I pray they clear up soon and that they didn´t give me anything extra during the transfer. 

I wish we had more time to write about what the Lord is doing and post pictures.  Nobody can seem to figure out how to get my pictures off my camera and onto the web.  We will prevail though.  Hopefully we will have plenty of time to post more once we arrive in Palenque.  I hear there are many internet cafe´s there.  There is only one telephone in our community.  They get on a loudspeaker and call out to the reciepent of the phone call to come and answer it.  How fun is that?  Well, my time is short here and I must end this blog.  Thanks for all the encouragement, and the prayers.  Please keep them coming.