In 10 days I will be leaving for 11 months and I think I could say that a 100 times and it still not be real to me. I am looking forward to serving God outside of my comfort zone. I’m excited I can go and serve and GIVE MY VERY BEST to the world. I have my PARENTS to thank for that. They have been there for me through ups and downs. They have stood beside me no matter what decision I made in life. They taught me to love everyone. I was raised watching my dad give his last dollar. My parents started teaching my brother and I at a very early age to give and put others before us.

I remember as a kid going and getting a few toys at Christmas time to give to children who could not afford any. I remember watching my dad give people money that needed it and him giving a ride to someone walking down the road. My mom was always getting a coat for one of her students that couldn’t afford it and she would help other students with supplies. They were always giving and never expecting anything in return. I am so thankful for this in my life. I have learned to put others first, to give from my heart, and to not judge people for they do not have!

I want to tell you about my parents. My parents have been married 28 years! They raised my brother Josh and I up in a small town and made sure they were very active in our life’s  My dad was a farmer until we moved to Monticello and he opened up the Sonic Drive In. In 2000 he sold the Sonic and is now selling cars. I am daddy’s little girl and I have always and will always look up to him. We are so much alike that it is unbelievable. We will argue with a brick wall to prove we are right. I love my daddy and always will. I am thankful for all he has taught me in life. He has helped mold me into the person I am today. We have a lot of great memories together!  I loved going fishing with dad and hunting too. We spent a many of hours in the yard playing ball. He was always involved and around doing whatever he could to make me happy.  My mom has been a teacher for as long as I can remember. She is a very quiet and tender hearted person. She has done her best to pass that on to me but I believe my dad’s hard headedness takes over more than she would like. My mom is not just my mom but my best friend. Some of my favorite memories with mom are laying out at the pool, talking and reading magazines, shopping, and going to the lake. 

We are a very close family and we have spent a lot of time together. We grew up eating around the dinner table, taking weekend trips, family vacations, hanging out, going to ballgames, and so much more. I have a lot of great family memories and traditions that I will miss this next year but the memories in my heart will help me make it through the tough times. I love you mom and dad and I pray that you will be at Peace all year long. MOM try not to worry too much although I know you will. I know me leaving is hard for you guys but I love you and pray that will have understanding and a peace. I love you mom and dad!

I know that without my parents love, support, and many years of preparing me I would not be able to do this. They have helped make me who I am today! I love them and nothing will ever change that