Hey! My name is Antonio and I am a 26-year-old Mexican-Colombian-American.   

A little bit about my testimony– at age 24, a transition in my life inspired me to leave destructive habits and mindsets and to seek joy and fulfillment. Through reading self-help and philosophy books, and researching psychology in university and onward, I developed a mental framework based on Eastern mysticism that led me to explore many related practices. For a while, I did receive some sort of transient good feeling. However, regardless of my efforts, I never felt complete and something was always missing deep inside my heart. 

I genuinely searched for the truth for a long while… I would spend hours listening to sermons and reading online. Slowly, the name of Jesus became more frequent in my thinking and in my research as I delved more deeply into the message of the gospel. One night, my heart and body felt a great desire to change posture so I kneeled down. And with hands lifted high, I began glorifying the name of Jesus, surrendering myself to Him.

At that moment I felt Holy Spirit fill my entire being with peace and pure love impossible to describe, and my eyes were opened to the truth that is Jesus Christ. 

I surrendered my heart to the Lord that night, and continue to do so every day as I learn and grow.

Jesus has given me life, joy, hope, love, rest, and a purpose… I am forever grateful. May He increase, and I decrease! 


Thank you for reading,

Antonio Jimenez

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)