We have been here for over a week now and settling in with the kids was a great experience.
Every day starts with 6am prayer where the kids, totally devoted, start their day in the presence of God.
The older kids, 13-14 years, then preach out of that days scripture calling the boy’s to obedience.
My whole perspective has been changed about the ability of kids, and what God will do with a life totally surrendered.


“But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the
Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” 

–John 4:23


“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
  -3John 1:4


These scripture’s are alive in each child here. I see it in each shy girl, smiling boy,
and the sparkle that reflects from their eyes’. 

The kids are filled with joy and the whole day is overflowing with laughter and cheerfulness.


The living conditions are basic. The mattresses are flea infested,
fresh water is limited, and they live off of rice for breakfast, lunch, and supper.
They are orphans and have no where else to go.
But its here where they meet the Lord Jesus Christ, and
build a living relationship with Him,
God and the Holly Spirit.


It is an awesome privilege living with the kids.
I experience every moment with them from: 

sleeping in the same room, praying in the morning, eating their stony rice,
and playing through out the dusty day. The highlight of my day is the bucket
showers in the evenings with the brackish well water.
The boys and I have so much fun together.


Thank you Lord for the opportunity of spending time with your children.
The massive impact that they have had on me has changed my life, thoughts and feelings.