“We will pick you up at noon,” we are told by our contact. So, we are ready by noon….Filipino time it can be anywhere after that or even before it. Our job is to just make sure we are ready for whenever they come for us. It’s about 1:00 PM when the van arrives for all eight of us racers. Our destination is the area of Mabinay, about, 2 hours away; where some pastors from Negros Oriental are holding a Revival event. Our role…….who knows…..evangelize, pray, lead worship, give testimonies, preach, etc. It really is always up in the air, we never are quite sure of what our role is. We do know that we will be staying somewhere up the mountain, because it is too dangerous to travel back down at night.

   The road up is rough….as in the road is torn up in many places. We arrive to the village sometime after 3 and it is hot. The revival is being held on a big concrete basketball court. Many of the other ICM staff/pastors are already there, setting up speakers for music. There are children gathered, somewhat curious about what is going on. Our first direction is to “maybe teach the children for 2 hours.” So, we taught them some songs….Father Abraham, Hokey Pokey, etc. etc. It lasted maybe 30 minutes.

   Some of us also played a little basketball with the kids and pastors. Then we were asked to go door to door to make sure people were coming to the Revival, which was to start at 6:30 PM. Sometime after 7:00, the music begins to play….

   We start with worship…..their are 100 or so attendees gathered on the hot concrete. Many of us join the kids in the front encouraging them to dance and have fun. Most were shy and didn’t want to interact…..so I begin to dance with the girls, to spin them…..it’s amazing how quickly things changed. They lit up and it was a continous thing for the rest of the night. At one point we were worshiping to a Filipino song in Cebuano (local dialect). It was a song that required a lot of jumping up and down; and hard dancing. I swear the song lasted for over ten minutes…. lots of sweat involved. During a slow song I noticed one of the girls I was dancing with was crying…..with the language barrier all I could do was hold her….praying.

   Over the course of the evening, many people were prayed over, one lady was healed, and God’s presence was made known. Though the electricity was iffy (periodic black outs), the outcome was amazing (one lady was healed of a stomach malady she had for years). The Revival finally ended close to 11 PM. We were put back into the van and driven to a local church about six miles away, where we would be staying the night along with the staff and pastors.

   The Pastor’s, of this church, family had a meal prepared for us and opened his sanctuary to us for sleep. We gladly placed our sleeping bags on hard wooden pews for the evening/a few hours. The night was filled with some tossing and turning; and dreams of murdering the roosters, who crow on every hour. The next morning we were up before 6AM to head to a local fresh spring. The family had bread and coffee for us; and then we were off. Some people swam/showered in the springs and then back to Dumaguete we went.

   That same afternoon, Jordan and I taught the teenagers Bible Study at LCP (Little Children of the Philippines), and I was asked to teach the Sunday School the next day. Tired, delirious, and not inspired my automatic response is “yes.” Then, because you don’t have much time to prepare, you rely on God to speak through you…..and it works:) That’s what you do…..you don’t think, you just say yes to anything….anything that will further the Kingdom of God.

Go to the side of the mountain and lead people to Christ……Yes.

Pray for healing over this group of people…..yes.

Sleep in a concrete church on hard pews……yes.

Eat the meal prepared for you even if you don’t know what it is…..yes.

Teach this bible study in the morning……yes.

Preach at this church……yes.

Love, Love, Love…….yes, yes, yes!