Hey everyone,
I wanted to apologize for how impersonal my last blogs have been, so I’m going to put a little more heart into this one.
Lately, I’ve been meditating on the story of David and Goliath. It has so much wisdom behind it. Whenever David volunteer volunteered to fight the giant, King Saul told him that he was not able. He gave David his armor to make him look bigger and tougher than he was. When I think about it a little bit, it kind of reminds me of how we all hide behind an addiction of fear. Like me, for example, whenever I hide, I hide from fear of failure. I hide from the fear of not being good enough. And I think others hide from fears as well. But David had the courage to take off his armor, quit fighting alone, and put all of his trust in Christ.
Another thing that I have realized, is that no matter how big the giant is, if you have God on your side, you can defeat anything. You just have to trust and have faith. I know these are all things that you have heard before, but hiding gets you nowhere. So, next time you find yourself standing face to face with a giant, take of your armor, trust in God, and watch Goliath fall.
My deadlines are the following:
- $5,000 – Due 6/15/2017 (Fundraising Goal 1) Currently at 5110.00!!! Praise God!!!
- $10,000 – Due 8/22/2017 (Fundraising Goal 2)
- $14,951 – Due 12/29/2017 (Fundraising Goal 3)
Anything that you feel called to give to further the kingdom of God, will be returned in abundance.