This video gets me so unbelievably excited. Something about it makes my stomach do
cartwheels and my heart feels like exploding!

I’m just excited for whatever it is God is doing in my life. I know it’s going to be big
and I know it’s going to be beautiful. I can dream as big as I want to.

Think about it…

“Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires.”

If He is the one who gives us the desire in the first place OF COURSE he is then going to GIVE us that desire, He will fulfill it. He loves to give good things to His children. And I think the passions I have, the things I really can’t even put words to are going to manifest in my life in bigger ways than I can even imagine…. WOAH!

CLAIM IT! TAKE IT. That desire is yours to have.

You can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength.
The Lord will bless EVERYTHING you put your hand to.

Soooooooo what's stopping you?!

p.s. He loves you, like A LOT. Hahahahah