Forget religion. Forget your ideologies and theologies. Forget everything anyone has ever told you and for just one minute stop and see Him for who He is.
He is not an idea, a formula to be figured out, or an abstract being that once was.
He is God.

So why do we do this? Why do we treat God as if he were something we could create to our personal liking? We pick and choose the characteristics or beliefs about God that make sense and sound good to us and we look past the things that we don’t understand or that seem too “out there”.  Then we are caught up in the beliefs and religion more than God himself. We settle thinking we have figured out the entirety of God when in reality we haven’t even begun to acknowledge the greatness and goodness of who He is.

Stop treating God as if He’s something you can pick and choose who He is. Get to know Him for yourself. Get to know Him for who He really is. Doing this you won’t be able to hide from His goodness. You will only end up experiencing it more and more. You will realize the goodness of God has no bounds. You will realize that He is a living God who cares about every detail of your life. You will begin experiencing the things that He says He is in the bible rather than just reading or hearing about them. You will experience His love, His provisions, His faithfulness, His joy, and miracles in everyday life. Why would you want to limit the God of the Universe to something that can be entirely figured out? Why not stand before Him in awe and just allow Him to be who He is in YOUR life?

God is so so so much more than you have even begun to realize. He is a God who will do abundantly more than we could ask or even think to ask. He is God, let Him be God. You will never fully understand Him and all His ways, I’ll never understand, no one will ever fully understand. It’s by faith that we are saved. And it’s by faith alone we should live and move and breathe, not by rules and religious theologies.
God is God. He’s not bound to who you think He is or who you want Him to be. He’s more than that. Find out for yourself who He is. You will encounter the love of Jesus Christ and the pure goodness of God.

“I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,” says the Lord. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come, the Almighty One.”  -Revelation 1:8