Well, it’s been a crazy week here in Matamoros and it’s still only Thursday! CARS, CARS, CARS has been the theme of the past couple of days. In finding transportation to Guatemala, we’ve found out that buses and trains are pretty much outta the question. So what was my solution???  Motorcycles of course! 🙂  But, my team told me to be realistic (who wants to do that) and so we decided to shop for an actual 4-wheel vehicle. Jessica F. had a dream about an orange van, so as we were driving to find our car, we spotted a random orange van in a dealership parking lot and we stopped! Turns out, that’s exactly where we would find our beloved 1985 blue/white suburban! Can we just say: Pimp My Ride!!! And the best thing about it: with plates, tax, and everything, it’s only $1,728.00!!! WOOHOO! Now we just need to pray it lasts us the 2,000 miles we need it to go. And so, the adventure begins!

What else, what else? Well, Seth Barnes came down on Tuesday and brought with him 3 guys from AIM—Andrew, Tom, and Gary. These guys are awesome. They have been teaching us a lot about team dynamics, spiritual gifts, and prayer. They have also been praying over us constantly and it’s very empowering! CHALLENGING is a good word for these guys.

We’ve also been going out to this village out near the garbage dump and talking with the people. On Tuesday we passed out bread, played soccer with the kids, and prayed with a few people. It’s very hard not being able to speak their language, so it gets a bit frustrating at times for everyone. These people are beautiful and sweet and definitely hard working. I just wish we could understand each other a little better. But God is definitely allowing us to show them His love through our actions.