What in the world….who ever would have thought I’d be in Mexico for three weeks! CRAZINESS!!! but good and restful, which is EXACTLY what I’ve needed. Man, these First Year Missionary kids are awesome and on fire for the Lord. It’s so great and refreshing to see how God is working in their lives. Ali and I have become head chefs for them over the past two weeks. It’s been quite a fun experience. We even cooked our very first pizzas, FROM SCRATCH, last night and I must say…they were quite tasty 🙂 They ranged from pepporonni, to cheese, to veggie….yummy!!! They are trying to convince us to stay.  uh oh! Well, since we’ve been here, we’ve had a lot of time to just rest with God. We’ve done everything from reading on the roof, praying on the trampoline, to worshipping with the FYM teams. We’ve also done a bit of ministry stuff such as going to this landfill where people live and praying for people as we pass out bread. Today Ali and I are joining one of the FYM teams and going to an orphanage to play with kids!!! I’m super pumped!

We’ve also managed to have some fun in the midst of rest. We traveled to the States twice to have some good old fashioned American food (okay, so it was Italian once and Mexican once, but who cares….haha!). We also went to the mall twice to have lattes and cookies….YUMMY! It was soooo good and needed! Back in Matamoros, we’ve also had some downtime to get out and venture around town. It’s quite funny considering that Ali and I combined know the equivalent of like 10 spanish words hahaha! The kids sent us off on a bus to get to the market and a coffee shop, and we wound up like a mile away from our stop, kinda lost, but in a good lost kinda way haha. We ended up at a different coffee shop and a different market. so it was fun! we made it a day of lattes and food and browsing.

well, we’re both still praying for discernment and guidance from the Lord as to what to do next. Ali is definitely going on to Africa and I’m still not sure where the Lord has me. But i’ve come to realize that He doesn’t care WHERE I go, but what I do. As long as what i’m doing is FOR HIM, He says I can go wherever and He will go with me.

okay, well, for pictures and better stories, click on Ali’s blog and you’ll probably get a better idea of what we’ve been doing! 🙂 Adios amigos!