Picture this, one morning while I was sitting in a devotional having a heart to heart with team Degen (Month 2 Cape Town) something caught my attention out the corner of my eye. At first I thought I was just tripping and I hadn’t seen anything but I knew I wasn’t going crazy so I kept looking.
As I looked out the door past the front steps of the house I saw this little bird repeatedly flying into the window. Now me being the person that I am I watched this bird for a long time and he just kept hitting and hitting the window. Initially I thought this was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.
I continued to laugh to myself and God Whispered in my ear saying, “that’s how crazy and silly you look to me when you continue to do something that you know is wrong”. Quickly my smiled faded and I realized he was right.
Most of my life I’ve had a rebellious heart. I would just do things just because someone told me not to or because I wanted to prove to them that I could do anything they thought I couldn’t do. It would take me to get stuck in a bad situation for me to realize that I had made a bad decision, but at this point it would always be too late to turn back.
God’s showing me step by step how he longs for me to change and be the Woman of God that he desires me to become. Yes, some of us have to bump our heads against the window sometimes to really understand what he’s trying to say to us, but it’s so much easier to listen first and never go through the pain.
My daddy always says bought sense is good for some people, but i'm learning that sometimes it better to just listen. The old saying that your parents are normally always right is true in almost every situation when you have Godly parents.
I just thank God that my parents never gave up on me and that they raised me to believe in the Lord and not just believe but live it as well.