I’ve been noticing a theme in my life lately; true happiness. Too often I hear stories of people who have all the money in the world, incredibly successful, beautiful, and have more friends than they can count. They have achieved what they thought would make them truly happy – but are depressed. On the other end of the spectrum, I come across friends who are lost in their lives; they are searching for a way to get to the top, to find that piece of gold that will bring contentment and peace to their lives. Once they have the job, the money, the friends, then they will be happy. But history has a way of repeating itself, and if we stop and turn around, we will find the ending to that story.  So if these things that we all strive for, that are promised to give us a stress-free and happy life- do not, what will?
            These past couple of months I have been going through a transition period in my life. From graduation, to moving home, to beginning a big girl job, and now returning back to study mode to take the GRE – it has been quite the different lifestyle from what I had. I moved away from a life that I loved filled with authentic friendships and an energetic college atmosphere, all in a vibrant city that had everything and more. My summer was filled with fantastic vacations, and fun times, but when time slowed down, and I was alone, I discovered I was sad. I began to search for new things to cure my sorrow but I kept coming up short. My joy was temporary and only lasted as long as the next event. It took me a while to come to terms with the fact that I placed too much dependence on my surroundings, success and other people to make me happy. God had to take away all the distractions in my life for me to realize true happiness can only be found in Him.  The joy that comes from having the Lord inside of me is a deeply rooted and permanent joy.  It will never cease, and will never leave me. No, I do not have a million close friends, nor do I make a ton of money at my job ($8 an hour to be exact), and no I still am not 100% positive on which career path I want to take in life. I do not have the perfect appearance or the hippest clothes, and yes, I do live at home after graduating college. But am I happy? Extremely. This life He has blessed me with is incredible, and each day is a gift. I have Him. I have my health, and I have people who love and care for me. And with your help, I can share this overflowing joy for my Lord to those who have been living in darkness.

          I am so thankful for the challenging times God puts in my life so that I can see Him more clearly. I know that this was only a small sample to the real test He will give me in just a few short months. But through all the long days, sleeping in tents, with terrible weather, and my greatest fear… bugs, I will be joyful. Because this trip is not about me; it is not about my comfort, or gaining boasting rights of all the countries I’ve travelled. It is about Him, and I am merely his tool. And I cannot wait.

           I’ve been noticing a theme in my life lately; true happiness. Too often I hear stories of people who have all the money in the world, incredibly successful, beautiful, and have more friends than they can count. They have achieved what they thought would make them truly happy – but are depressed. On the other end of the spectrum, I come across friends who are lost in their lives; they are searching for a way to get to the top, to find that piece of gold that will bring contentment and peace to their lives. Once they have the job, the money, the friends, then they will be happy. But history has a way of repeating itself, and if we stop and turn around, we will find the ending to that story.  So if these things that we all strive for, that are promised to give us a stress-free and happy life- do not, what will?
            These past couple of months I have been going through a transition period in my life. From graduation, to moving home, to beginning a big girl job, and now returning back to study mode to take the GRE – it has been quite the different lifestyle from what I had. I moved away from a life that I loved filled with authentic friendships and an energetic college atmosphere, all in a vibrant city that had everything and more. My summer was filled with fantastic vacations, and fun times, but when time slowed down, and I was alone, I discovered I was sad. I began to search for new things to cure my sorrow but I kept coming up short. My joy was temporary and only lasted as long as the next event. It took me a while to come to terms with the fact that I placed too much dependence on my surroundings, success and other people to make me happy. God had to take away all the distractions in my life for me to realize true happiness can only be found in Him.  The joy that comes from having the Lord inside of me is a deeply rooted and permanent joy.  It will never cease, and will never leave me. No, I do not have a million close friends, nor do I make a ton of money at my job ($8 an hour to be exact), and no I still am not 100% positive on which career path I want to take in life. I do not have the perfect appearance or the hippest clothes, and yes, I do live at home after graduating college. But am I happy? Extremely. This life He has blessed me with is incredible, and each day is a gift. I have Him. I have my health, and I have people who love and care for me. And with your help, I can share this overflowing joy for my Lord to those who have been living in darkness.

          I am so thankful for the challenging times God puts in my life so that I can see Him more clearly. I know that this was only a small sample to the real test He will give me in just a few short months. But through all the long days, sleeping in tents, with terrible weather, and my greatest fear… bugs, I will be joyful. Because this trip is not about me; it is not about my comfort, or gaining boasting rights of all the countries I’ve travelled. It is about Him, and I am merely his tool. And I cannot wait.